I like to cruise Craigslist in search of deals, but more often than not I find cars that in my own humble opinion are priced quite high. While I sincerely appreciate per-war cars, that market seems to be mellowing, especially if the cars are not already in tip top shape. So when this 1933 Packard Eight crossed my screen listed for $54,995, I thought it was relatively well priced, but then I read the description. It is described as a good 50 foot car that needs carb work. Not a great description in general, but it leads me to believe there’s more to be done than what’s listed. I guess I am a bit conflicted. Is this car, in this condition, really worth $55K? Check out the full ad here and give us your take in the Facebook comments.
Promo shot of DeLorean with his DMC12 in 1977. By Jerry Williamson American automotive engineer…
An illustration of Semple's steam car as it appeared in Scientific American While better known…
Lake Coniston, Cumberland, UK. Jan 4, 1967. Donald Campbell dies as his jet-powered boat somersaults…
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Dax Shepard with his Lincoln Continental (Instagram) Dax Shepard, born on January 2, 1975, isn't…
Blackout 1942 Chevrolet (note the painted grille) An order from the US Office of Production…