This selection of dusty and rusty American pickups fall between the years of 1969 and 1974 and cover the Big Three. All were found on Craigslist and appeared to be available at the time of writing. Check the link on each description if you’re interested! I really dig this era of trucks, as it was a transition period for pickups. During this time automakers grew out of the rounded body style and were adopting a more squared off appearance. With growing interest in classic trucks, now would be a wise time to buy if you’re looking for a restoration, hot rod, or other project. Alright, enough chit chat, let’s see what we found.
This 1969 Ford F-100 falls in the middle of the fifth generation of the Ford F-Series trucks. It’s also located in the middle of the USA, just south of Wichita, Kansas. For $3,200 you could be driving this truck powered by the biggest power plant option of the year, a 390 V8. It’s backed by an automatic transmission and is equipped with host of new parts, including a battery, starter and alternator. For 1969 the grille got a refresh, which is basically all that sets this truck apart from the previous year’s design.
This running and driving 1969 Dodge Power Wagon is listed for $3,600 in Cuthbert, Georgia. It features a tough as nails slant six and a stick shift. As the seller says, this is perfect for pulling houses off their foundation. I think this rig is the perfect foundation for a quality restoration project, or for filming your low budget zombie movie. The Power Wagon is a storied vehicle rooted in military use. When production shifted to civilian production for 1946 Dodge claimed it was the first civilian-use 4×4 truck on the market. The name has recently been revived by Dodge, but I’d rather see this example get revived.
Step aside, ladies and gents, as I present this 1970 Chevrolet C10 step side. It’s listed for $4,000 and located in northeast of Atlanta, Georgia. It’s moved by a small block 350 that the seller claims is original to the truck, as is the automatic tranny. Like the Ford above, the only noticeable change between 1969 and 1970 C10s was a minor grille update. Lucky for you, this one comes with an extra. Anyway, hope you’re good at rust repair.
If black isn’t your color, here’s a yellow C10 instead! I think it’s yellow. In any case, this 1972 Chevrolet C10 is listed for sale in Winchester, Tennessee for just $2,000. That seems like a mighty good price for a truck that doesn’t appear to have nearly as bad as rust as the other rides on this list. If you pick this long bed pickup you’ll get moved by a 350 and an auto. As the last year for the second gen C10s, this truck got a HUGE upgrade. Just kidding, the biggest difference between this and the 1971 model was that the rear view mirror was glued to this windshield instead of bolted to the cab above it. Whoa, talk about living the good life.
Last on the list we’ve got a well optioned 1974 Ford F-100 4×4 listed for $4,500 in Jefferson City, Missouri. The body on this truck may present the best of any on this list, but it certainly has its fair share of rust. If you look past it you’ll find a 360 V8, four speed manual transmission, power steering and power brakes. That all makes for easy haulin’ round the farm, wouldn’t you think? Apparently that’s all it gets used for these days, but it’s a runner. Too bad it’s not a six passenger SuperCab, which was available for the first time this year. It is a 4×4 though, so maybe you’re dreaming of an off road build?
Trucks are climbing in popularity, which inevitably means higher prices. If you’re thinking of picking one up, don’t wait much longer unless you’re OK with spending a few extra bucks. So, out of the ones on this list, what truck are you bringing home?
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