Cheap Classic Cars for Sale

We have discovered some super deals on cheap Craigslist cars, the newest one being from 1975 Some of these affordable classic carss run and drive, while others need a bit of work and could be considered a barn find! Which one of these classic car projects is your favorite? I think we’re taking the 1959 Chevy but the diesel swap Plymouth Duster is pretty wild! Be sure to visit for more cool cars and automotive history. Watch the video above and scroll down for links.


1966 Lincoln Continental:

1975 AMC Pacer:

1959 Chevy for sale:

1955 Nash Ambassador:

1974 Plymouth Duster diesel

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This Day in Automotive History - the book!

This Day In Automotive History

By Brian Corey

This book tells fascinating tales, bringing individual days to life with short stories, photographs and illustrations.

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