I am often amazed at how little info some sellers are willing to offer in a classified add for a classic car, or any car for that matter. But then, some cars really don’t need an introduction. This $8,200 1957 Chevrolet 210 for sale in Chicago on Craigslist is one of them. The Tri-Five Chevrolet is as American as two part politics (I’d say apple pie but it really came from England). In any case, if you’re a car person, you probably know all about the 1955 through 1957 Chevys. They came in multiple body styles and trims, and the one we have here is a mid level 210. It’s not quite the workman’s special, but Sinatra wouldn’t be caught dead in this. Me, on the other hand, I would gladly cruise this four door ’57. Let’s take a look.

In reality, this ad could use a bit more info. Here’s what we do know. It’s a 210 with a six cylinder and an automatic transmission that has recently come out of hibernation. The seller says it runs, but needs tinkering. It’s also shown on a trailer, which may indicate “runs” is a loose term, as they don’t mention if it moves.
Under the hood we find the trusty Blue Flame Six cylinder, rated at 235.5 cubic inches. To many, this engine ran more reliably than Chevy’s V8 options for the year. While most would still prefer to have small block in a car like this, I don’t mind what’s there. It was a solid engine in the 1950s and remains so today. Plus it will propel you just fine to any cruise night or even on a grocery run.

Speaking of grocery run, it’s got four doors. For many people this will present a problem. Again, I disagree when it comes to cars like this. A pair of back doors makes piling your friends or family in and cruising that much easier. Plus, you know, heading to make out point, etc, etc, etc.
I wish there were a few more photos of this 1957 Chevy for sale, but this 210 looks pretty clean. All the chrome appears to be attached, the interior presents well and it even has new tires. Whatever tinkering it needs likely won’t be much judging by its condition. Heck, it even has fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror. That stands for something, right? So what say you, fellow car nut? Is $8,200 a fair price for this fine ’57?