September 18, 1955 – The 2 millionth Ford V8 engine is produced

1932 Ford Model 18 V8

On this day in 1955 Ford produced its 2 millionth Flathead V8 engine, 23 years after its introduction in the 1932 Model 18. The valve-in-block design was the first independently manufactured V8 from Ford. The first Ford Flatheads had a displacement of 221 cubic inches and made 65 horsepower. Those V8s can be identified by the water pumps located at the front of the heads.

Production of that 221 lasted from 1932 to 1939 before being replaced by the 239, which pumped out 95 horsepower. The original Flathead Ford V8 design was discontinued in 1953, with the two millionth V8 being a second generation engine.

Ford V8 in a Thunderbird

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